Now to me that just sounds silly and it is. If you haven’t seen the trailer, it features the man himself, and a sudden crew of murderous nuns. The problem with this new Hitman trailer is that it apparently portrays violence towards women, and even goes as far to sexualise it. Show some boob, show someone having their arm hacked off, I really don’t care. It bothers me even less in games because I know that it’s all CG imagery. Put me in front of a Hostel or Saw film and I’ll sit on the edge of my seat with glee and the occasional ‘Ew! Gross!’ as I witness someones eye removed with a flame torch.

I’m a 22 year old female, I’m big enough and ugly enough to witness highly sexualised imagery, and highly violent imagery. For me, I don’t care how much there is of either. Now, I think I’ve had a bit of a rant about violence and sex in games before.

This is my personal view on sex and violence in video games, and I neither condone nor disagree with it. Before I start I’ve never played a Hitman game so I can’t comment on the franchise overall, this is just my view on the trailer and nothing else. That’s right, I’m jumping on the band wagon and offering my two cents on this.